IYEMON is one of the most famous Japanese tea bland, and its tea leaf are carefully selected by a Fukujuen tea master.
In our brands IYEMON and Ujinotsuyu, IYEMON is the highest brand. English description is on all IYEMON products.
IYEMON Matcha Iri Sencha Tea BagSencha tea bag for a cup. Remarkable feature is to blend Matcha, and it makes the tea mild and green. Each tea bags envelope is made from aluminum that keeps the freshness longer. Enjoy its refreshing taste and beautiful green color.
IYEMON Matcha Iri Genmaicha Tea BagGenmaicha (Green tea with roasted rice) tea bag for a cup. Remarkable feature is to blend Matcha, and it makes the tea mild and green. Each tea bags envelope is made from aluminum that keeps the freshness longer. Enjoy roasted rice flavor.
IYEMON Irigome Iri Houjicha Tea BagHoujicha (Roasted green tea) tea bag for a cup. Our IYEMON houjicha is a mixture of roasted green tea and rice. Each tea bags envelope is made from aluminum that keeps the freshness longer. You can enjoy the roasted aroma.
IYEMON Matcha Iri SenchaSencha loose tea. This is IYEMON's signature product. We determine which are the most fragrant tea leaves and use our ingenuity to make the aroma even more remarkable. This product can infuse 65 cups of tea. Enjoy its refreshing taste and beautiful green color.
IYEMON Matcha Iri GenmaichaGenmaicha loose tea. Remarkable feature is to blend Matcha, and it makes the tea mild and green. Enjoy its refreshing and roasted rice flavor. This product can infuse 50 cups of tea. Enjoy roasted rice flavor.
IYEMON Irigome Iri HoujichaHoujicha loose tea. Our IYEMON houjicha is a mixture of roasted green tea and rice. This product can infuse 17cups of tea. You can enjoy the roasted aroma.
IYEMON Instant Ryokucha 40gInstant green tea is a type of powdered green tea which is to infuse and let them dry. Very easy to dissolve in hot and cold water. We create IYEMON instant product that taste like a loose tea. This product can make 50cups of tea.
IYEMON Instant Ryokucha StickInstant green tea is a type of powdered green tea which is to infuse and let them dry. Very easy to dissolve in hot and cold water. We create IYEMON instant product that taste like a loose tea. This product is packed a stick for one cup. Genmaicha and Houjicha Instant stick are available.
IYEMON MatchaJapanese pure Matcha. We use only Uji Matcha* by grinding on stone mill in this product. *Uji Matcha…Most famous Matcha brand, and the tea leaf is produced by original Uji method in Kyoto.